This year the field trip attendees gathered at the Buena Vista Grasslands kiosk along Hwy. W, around 8:00 AM. The weather was unusually mild, with a starting temperature of about 30 degrees. The sky was partly cloudy, the winds were light to moderate, and there was very little snow on the ground. We had no trouble with snowdrifts and impassible roads this year! There...
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Aerial insectivore conference Sept. 7-8
An exciting conference focusing on "aerial insectivores" -- that would be all those birds you see swooping through the air in pursuit of insects -- is being planned for Friday and Saturday, Sept. 7-8, somewhere in south central or southeast Wisconsin.
Save the date! And please watch the Badger Birder and the websites of the Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative
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Project SNOWstorm is back in Wisconsin
WSO has joined forces with other funders to support the electronic tagging of as many as six Snowy Owls in Wisconsin this winter as part of a multistate effort known as Project SNOWstorm.
More than 50 owls have been tagged in 10 states from North Dakota to Maine since 2013. WSO earlier funded transmitters for two of the six owls tagged in Wisconsin during previous winters -- for a bird known as...
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Join our May 13th Campout!
There will be a couple of new twists to this year’s Honey Creek Birdathon/Bandathon weekend.
Place a hold on your calendar for the weekend of May 12-13. Both the birdathon and bandathon will take place at WSO’s Honey Creek Nature Preserve on Sunday May 13, rather than holding them over both days.
But we’re resurrecting the once-popular Saturday evening campout for those who...
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Kirtland's Warbler Increases Range in Wisconsin
Madison - Ten years after Kirtland's Warblers were first documented in Wisconsin, populations of the songbird have increased and their range is expanding through the efforts of state, federal and local partners to increase and manage the endangered bird and its habitat in the state.
According to the recently released 2017 nesting report released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife...
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Milwaukee Lakeshore Field Trip – 1/6/18
As expected, the temperature was bitterly cold (starting at 2 degrees), just has it has been for the past couple of weeks. Participants started gathering at South Shore Yacht Club a little before 8:00 AM, and many took the time to add a layer or two of warmer insulation before joining the group. The attendance today (1/6) was greatly limited by the cold conditions, and there were only...
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