April Gathering Kicks Off Final Field Season for Atlas II
-By Carrie Becker- (WBBA II Communications Chair)
As we welcome 2019, organizers of the 2nd Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas are looking ahead with urgency to the final breeding season of the five-year survey. It’s now or never to finish this project!
To kick off the upcoming season of data collection, birders from around the state will gather April 5–7 at the Holiday Inn &...
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80th WSO Convention Targets Eau Claire Area
By Dar and Cathy Tiede WSO Convention Committee Chairs
The 80th annual WSO convention will take place from Friday, May 24 through Monday, May 27, 2019, in the Eau Claire area in the west-central part of the state. Our local co-host for the event is the Gaylord Nelson Audubon Society.
Blocks of rooms are now on hold and open for advance reservations at two area hotels. Individuals are...
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Frigatebird Tops Rarity List in a Slow November
By Mark Korducki
The temperatures statewide were mainly below normal during November and several small snowfalls occurred. The first major storm of the season clipped the southeast corner of the state on the weekend after Thanksgiving. Up to 10 inches of snow fell in Kenosha County. Perhaps due to this colder weather, the birding was a bit slower than normal.
November is often the best month...
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Fewer, But More Spectacular, Snowy Owls Likely this Winter
As of Nov. 27, an estimated 27 Snowy Owls had been reported from 14 Wisconsin counties. Aside from several owls in the Superior and Ashland areas, most sightings have come from eastern Wisconsin south of the north woods.
The Lake Michigan shoreline has been surprisingly quiet, according to WDNR biologist Ryan Brady, save for a bird earlier in the year at Sheboygan and continuing birds in the...
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Former WSO President's Husband Passed Away
Visitation Wednesday for Prof. Emeritus Neil Harriman, husband of former WSO President Bettie Harriman
A celebration of Neil's life will be held from 1-3 p.m. on Wednesday Dec. 12, at Konrad-Behlman Funeral Homes-Westside, 100 Lake Pointe Drive, Oshkosh.
Professor Emeritus of Biology and Microbiology Neil Harriman died at his home Dec. 7.
Harriman retired in 1998 but is, in part,...
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‘Tis the Season: Nominations for Passenger Pigeon Awards
The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology annually recognizes individuals or organizations that have made outstanding achievements in bird conservation, promoted the field of ornithology or contributed to the Society and is now seeking nominations for its 2019 Passenger Pigeon Awards.
Please consider worthy individuals or groups for as many as seven awards to be presented at the 80th annual...
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Give the Gift of WSO Membership!
Do you know someone who loves birds? Give them the perfect gift: Membership in the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology!
All bird lovers - young and old, beginners, backyard enthusiasts, dedicated birders, tourists, conservationists, naturalists, and ornithologists
WSO has something for everyone!
Birding field trips throughout the year
Annual birding convention
Quarterly Journal,...
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Field Success Adds 9 Species that Need Atlas Sponsors
Donors rewarded with tanager-themed gifts
The success of field volunteers for the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II has made it possible to offer project supporters the opportunity to sponsor nine additional species that will be featured in the final publication. These are in addition to the 239 species already offered and claimed through the Sponsor-a-Species program, the largest private source...
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AmazonSmile and Your Holiday Shopping!
The holidays are approaching...!
Did you know your purchases can make a difference? AmazonSmile donates to the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology Inc when you do your holiday shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/39-6040605.
Your purchase supports Wisconsin Society for Ornithology efforts, including the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II Project, research projects, grants, education, land purchases,...
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Several October Rarities Prove to be Cooperative
By Mark Korducki
October started out warmer and wetter than normal but cooled off rapidly and temperatures were a bit below normal for the second half of the month. Light snow blanketed the field during a Badgers' home game and the entire state had a hard freeze on the third weekend of the month.
A few cooperative rarities were observed. Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are always a treat. An...
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Milwaukee Bucks Open First Bird-friendly Arena
Fiserv Forum uses glass visible to birds, minimizes disorienting light
The Milwaukee Bucks have achieved a first with their new arena: Fiserv Forum will be the world’s first bird-friendly sports and entertainment arena, upon completion of the Bucks’ application for LEED Silver® certification.
This is a significant victory for bird conservation because up to 1 billion birds die annually...
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