In its April 10th quarterly report to WSO’s Board of Directors, the organization’s Conservation Committee outlined the issues that it is acting on or monitoring:
Lobbying License: WSO has registered as a lobbyist with the State of Wisconsin at a level that limits spending to less than $500. If or when necessary, WSO can relicense for an additional $355, which then permits spending up to 20% of WSO’s annual expenses.
Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund: 137 packets are ready to send to WSO members who live in districts with Republican legislators on the Joint Finance Committee. Packets contain letters customized for the district, citing past Knowles-Nelson projects that benefited the district. WSO members can sign and mail the letters. This mailing will go out in April. New committee member Deb Turski is leading this effort.
Wetland Restoration Act: The committee approved WSO support for this bill, which improves coordination of watershed management, with benefits for people (flood control) and wildlife. Position printed in April Badger Birder encouraging members to contact their legislators.
Kohler Golf Course: Kohler Co. received a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) from the City of Sheboygan to make alterations to its property, but the permit cannot be acted on until all other permitting from the state has been approved. There are 5 lawsuits being pursued by Friends of Black River currently blocking those other permits. A Sheboygan resident has filed suit challenging the CUP. The Conservation Committee is considering joining that suit. Great Waters Sierra Club is also considering joining the suit.
Prairie Chicken Management Plan: A first draft of a new 10-year plan has been shared with the prairie chicken advisory committee. WSO member Peter Dunn is on that committee.
Columbia Power Plant Shutdown: Alliant Energy announced that the plant will close in 2025. Some 3,000 acres of surrounding forest and wetlands are within the Leopold Reserve-Pine Island IBA. The committee is reaching out to other organizations to form a coalition for the purpose of influencing Alliant to conserve this property.
Harvey-Wangsness Wetland: The committee is reaching out to the landowner to gauge interest in conserving this wetland birding hotspot rather than continuing to try to drain it.
WBCP Plan for IBAs: Plan expected soon from Wisconsin Bird Conservation partnership. Committee member Tom Prestby is under contract to WBCP in forming the plan.
Bird-safe Glass: City of Madison ordinance mandating bird safe glass on buildings is being challenged in court. WSO has expressed support for the city’s position.
Sandhill Crane Hunt: The committee is monitoring the potential for a crane hunt to be proposed again in 2022.
No-lead Ammunition; The committee was contacted by Madison Audubon about working together to push for a ban on all lead ammo.
Cats Indoors: Steve Betchkal has proposed an educational program to promote to the general public the practice of keeping cats indoors. He was told WSO would support it.