Atlas Season 2 Kickoff Meeting
April 1 – 3, 2016
Rothschild, WI
Archived Presentations
Click on each title to view a PDF of the presentation.
Saturday, April 2
Introduction to Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II. Nick Anich (Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR), Ryan Brady (Breeding Bird Atlas Science Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR) and Michael John Jaeger (Vice-President, Wisconsin Society for Ornithology).
Exciting Results from Season One of WBBA II. Nick Anich and Ryan Brady.
Your Birding Matters: Why Bird Atlases are Important for Regional Bird Conservation. Andrew Forbes (Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Coordinator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).
Funding the Breeding Bird Atlas and Donor Recognition. Charlie Luthin (Chair, Atlas Development Committee) and Diane Packett (Great Wisconsin Birdathon Coordinator, Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin).
Session A – First-time Atlasers
Introduction to Atlasing. William Mueller (Director, Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory) and Mike Reese (WBBA II Director of Volunteers, WSO).
Change Is in the Air: What’s the Same and What’s New in WBBA II. Ryan Brady.
Strategies for Successfully Surveying Your Atlas Block. Ryan Brady.
Session B – Returning Atlasers
Advanced Atlasing: Revisiting Confusing Aspects of the WBBA II Protocols. Nick Anich and Tom Prestby (WBBA II Training and Support Specialist).
Breeding Codes: Making Those Tricky Judgment Calls. Nick Anich and Tom Prestby.
The Importance of Atlas Priority Species Forms and eBird Comments. Rich Staffen (Conservation Biologist, Wisconsin DNR).
Meeting the Challenge of Juvenile Bird Identification. Tom Schultz (Birding Expert, WSO).
Tips for Targeting Uncommon and Secretive Species. Nick Anich, Tom Prestby, and Rich Staffen.
Sunday, April 3
8:15 Recognizing Our Volunteer Atlasers and County Coordinators. Mike Reese, Nick Anich, and Ryan Brady.
8:45 Atlaser Spotlight: How a Novice Birder Discovered Atlas Success. Zoe Finney (2015 Volunteer Atlaser, Milwaukee County).
Meeting Highlights
- Field trips
- Season one results
- Basic and advanced training for new and returning atlasers
- Data-entry instruction
- Tips from the state’s top atlasers
- How to identify juvenile birds
- Meet your county coordinator, the Atlas planning team, and other atlasers!
Questions? Email atlas@wsobirds.org