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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.


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Welcome to WSO

The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology is a volunteer, nonprofit organization that was established in 1939. Our mission is to promote the enjoyment, study and conservation of Wisconsin’s birds. We provide opportunities for all people to enjoy resident and migratory birds, while being a leading steward of and ambassador for Wisconsin birds. WSO sponsors birding field trips throughout the year, hosts an annual birding convention, publishes a quarterly journal and monthly newsletter, offers research grants, and serves as an informational resource center on bird-related issues. Membership exceeds 1,400 from across the United States and around the world.

WSO News

White River Marsh 4 MAY 2024

Our traditional start time for this field trip is 5:00 AM – an early start to experience the dawn chorus on the marsh – but I’d heard a couple...

Honey Creek Birdathon 2024

The attendees were pleased with great weather conditions this year for the Honey Creek Birdathon.  The afternoon and early evening of the prior...

Announcement of the 2024 WSO Passenger Pigeon Awards

Announcement of the 2024 WSO Passenger Pigeon Awards By Wendy Schultz, WSO Awards Coordinator With so much political turmoil in the world, it...

WSO Convention Registration Open

                    We hope you’ll join us in May for Great Birding on A Great...