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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Fire Lane Road

Habitat: Mixed Coniferous Forest, Northern Hardwood Forest, Pine Plantation, Boreal Forest, Willow, Alder, Dogwood Swamp, Sedge Meadow.

Best Birds: The spruce/fir stands should be examined for boreal specialties such as Spruce Grouse, Canada Jay, Boreal Chickadee, and the ever elusive Black-backed Woodpecker. Numerous warbler species can be found all along the road including Cape May, Blackburnian, Canada, Blackpoll and Northern Parula.  Likewise, the varied habitats offer chances for spotting a variety of thrushes, including Gray-cheeked, Hermit and Swainson’s.  Other less commonly seen birds include Lincoln’s Sparrow and in the colder months Bohemian Waxwing, White-winged and Red Crossbill, and Pine Grosbeak.

Directions: 67 miles SE of ironwood, MI/13 miles north of Eagle River via Hwy 45.  Turn on Old 45 Road to the east and continue north 1.4 miles to the intersection with the western end of Fire Lane Road.  Fire Lane Road continues east about 3.5 miles.

Site Address & Additional Information:

4598 Fire Lane Road, Conover WI

The road is open to ATVs/UTVs.

Mike Peczynski and Sarah Besadny