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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Cathedral Point/Allequash Lake

Habitat:  Open Water, Marsh, and Mixed Coniferous Forest.

Best Birds:  At Allequash Lake scan the extensive cattails for Trumpeter Swan, Sora, Black Tern, Marsh Wren and Swamp Sparrow.  From Cathedral Point on Trout Lake look for Common Merganser, Red-necked Grebe, Bonparte’s Gull, and Common Loon. The mature conifer habitat surrounding both parking areas should be checked for Merlin, Common Raven, Purple Finch, Cape May, Pine, and Blackburnian Warbler, Northern Parula, and Scarlet Tanager.  

Directions: 51 miles SE of Ironwood, MI/11.5 miles north of Woodruff via Hwy 51.  From County Hwy M go east on Allequash Lake Road to a parking area at the end (46.03415, -89.63136). To access Cathedral Point go west of County Hwy M on Cathedral Point Lane at the end of which there is parking (46.04653, -89.67078).   

Site Address and Additional Information:

Allequash Lake Road, Boulder Junction WI

Cathedral Point Lane, Boulder Junction WI

Mike Peczynski and Sarah Besadny