Habitat: 53 acres of Southern Hardwood Forest, Successional Oldfield, Parkland Oak Savanna, and Cropland.
Best Birds: Southern forest birds are Carver-Roehl Park’s best offerings. It is the most reliable location in Rock County for Louisiana Waterthrush during the breeding season. There are usually several Louisiana Waterthrush territories along the Spring Creek trail. Other birds found here include Red-headed and Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-throated Vireo, Veery, and Scarlet Tanager.
Directions: Located 11 miles northeast of Beloit. Main entrance to park (42.605572, -88.828040) is on S. Carvers Rock Road, 0.4 miles north of E. Creek Road. Most productive and scenic are the trails along Spring Creek, lined with 50 ft high limestone cliffs. Access to level trails along the creek, with scenic limestone cliffs, also is available from a parking area south of the main entrance (42.601237, -88.828732). Look for the trailhead just north of that parking area.
Site Address & Additional Information:
4907 S. Carvers Rock Rd., Clinton, WI 53525
Main Entrance, 42.605572, -88.828040
South Parking area, 42.601237, -88.828732
Tom Klubertanz