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Dugway Road

Dugway Rd. (Grant Co.), Grant County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot

Habitat: Oak-Hickory Forest, Southern Hardwood Forest, Bottomland Hardwoods, Marsh, Open Water.

Best Birds:  Scan the Mississippi for gulls, waterfowl, and herons.  In the ottomland forest look for Red-shouldered Hawk, Yellow-throated Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and Prothonotary Warbler.  In the marsh look for herons and Trumpeter Swan.  In the hardwood forest along the roadway watch for Orchard Oriole, Cerulean Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager.  Along Chase Creek look for Carolina Wren, Brown Creeper, and Louisiana Waterthrush.  Night owling from parking spots along the roadway may produce Whip-poor-will, Barred Owl, and Screech Owl.  

Directions:  85 miles S of LaCrosse/27 miles south of Prairie du Chien. From Glen Haven Boat Landing at 42.828486, -91.076538 go north on Dugway Road to County Road A.  

Site Address and Additional Information:  

13212 Dugway Road, Glen Haven WI

Dugway Road is a narrow roadway between the railroad tracks and steep hillside.  The Devil’s Backbone is a 126 acre State Natural Area that extends inland and along Chase Creek owned by the Mississippi Valley Conservancy.  There is no access except a steep climb up the bluff north of 13212 Dugway Road.  A new, more user-friendly access is being located.     

Devil's Backbone (Chase Creek) State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

Devil's Backbone State Natural Area | Mississippi Valley Conservancy

Dennis Kirschbaum