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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Cassville Bluffs State Natural Area

Habitat:  Oak-Hickory Forest, Southern Hardwoods Forest, Native Grassland, Goat Prairie.

Best Birds:  In this 244 acre site look for Bald Eagle, Warbling Vireo, Orchard Oriole, Cerulean Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager.  In the grassland atop the Mississippi River bluff look for Turkey Vulture, Lark Sparrow, and Field Sparrow.  Night owling from the parking lot will produce Whip-poor-will, Screech, Barred, and Great Horned Owl.  

Directions:  94 miles S of laCrosse/2 miles southeast of Cassville on State Highway 133 and then south on Sand Lake Lane. Park inside the gate or along the roadway (42.700677, -90.939412) so as not to block the lane or access to private property.  This site consists of a Wisconsin DNR property and a Mississippi Valley Conservancy property.     

Site Address and Additional Information:  

Cassville Bluffs-Roe Unit State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

Cassville Bluffs State Natural Area | Mississippi Valley Conservancy

Dennis Kirschbaum