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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

May Day Counts – eBird Instructions

May Day Counts – eBird Instructions

You’ll be submitting your May Day counts to WSO via eBird. There you’ll enter your list of birds and counts, then download and e-mail the file. Here are details on submitting your May Day counts to WSO.

If you don’t have an eBird account, go to and click on “Register as a New User to create a new account.

  1. Log into using your user name and password.
  2. You’ll go to the Where did you bird?” page.
    1. Click “Select an entire city, county or state”
    2. Leave City blank
    3. Fill in County with the name of the county where you did your May Day Count.
    4. Use WI for the state.
    5. Uncheck “Show me birding hotspots in the area”. You don’t select an exact location like you normally do when submitting lists to eBird. This is a list for an entire county in Wisconsin.
    6. Click “Continue”. You’ll be on the “Confirm your location info page”
    7. Click “Continue” again to confirm your location.
  3. On the Date and Effort page, enter the following:
    1. Set the observation date
    2. Set the Observation Type to Traveling
    3. Enter your Start Time
    4. Enter the Duration of your count
    5. Enter the estimated Distance that was covered throughout the day
    6. Enter the total number of observers under Party Size.
    7. In the Comments area, please include all of the following information
      • Weather conditions
        • Sky conditions in the morning and afternoon
        • Wind direction and speed in the morning and afternoon
        • Low and high temperature
      • Participant Data
        • Total field observers
        • Total field parties
        • Total field watchers
      • Total party hours (exclude owling and feeder watch time from this number)
      • Hours on foot
      • Hours by car
      • Owling hours
    8. Click Continue when you’ve entered all of the above information.
  4. On the “What did you see or hear page?”,
    1. Enter the counts of the number of each species of birds you counted. Use an X if the number of birds is not known.
    2. On “Are you submitting a complete checklist of the birds you were able to identify?”, click Yes.
    3. Click “Submit”.
  5. On the next page, it is very important that you download and e-mail your list with WSO!
    1. Click Download in the upper right. Save the file on your computer.
    2. E-mail the downloaded csv file to

That’s all there is to it!