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Wood County State Wildlife Area

Wood County SWA, Wood County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot

Habitat: Northern Hardwood Forest; Mixed Coniferous Forest;  Open Water; Marsh; Sedge Meadow; Willow, Alder or Dogwood Swamp.

Best Birds:  Forested and brushy areas are good for many species including Yellow-billed and Black-billed cuckoos, Great Crested Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Vireo, Veery, and Golden-winged and Blue-winged Warbler. Try Olson Swanson Lane south from the junction with Ball Road.

The dry, mature oak/pine forest on the southern half of South Bluff Road provides a sharp contrast to the mostly flat and wet habitats comprising much of the property.  A nocturnal visit may yield Barred Owl and Eastern Whip-poor-will. Cerulean Warbler is possible as a few singing birds have been found here in summer.  

Ditchbank Road (aka Weisner Road) going north from Ball Road is good for waterfowl including Trumpeter Swan. The marshy habitat here is also good for Pied-billed Grebe, Virginia Rail, Sora, and American Bittern. Marsh Wren can be found in the dense cattails at the north end of the road.  Sandhill Crane is common and Whooping Crane is possible.

The western third of Ball Road has large expanses of sedge meadow and shrub carr. Sedge Wren, Le Conte’s Sparrow (rare), and Bobolink are among the species to be found here. A small remnant population of Sharp-tailed Grouse persists on the property. They are seldom seen but should be watched for.  

The Tamarack stand (Hog Island Tamaracks State Natural Area) at the curve near the end of Ball Road may have Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Thrush and White-throated SparrowPalm Warbler has been found in summer in the stunted Tamarack bog between Ball and Cranberry roads.  

Directions:  25 miles south of Marshfield/18 miles west of Wisconsin Rapids. Ball Road starts at the intersection with County Hwy X one mile west of Babcock and runs straight through the property, traversing most of the habitats. Several side roads are well worth exploring as well. The site borders Sandhill State Wildlife Area on the north and west sides.

Site Address and Additional Information:

Ball Road and Olson-Swanson Lane, Babcock WI

44.307103, -90.181671

Ball Road and Highway X, Babcock, WI, 44.30702, -90.12968

South Bluff Road, 44.273601, -90.21562

Ditchbank Road (aka Weisner Road), 44.30684, -90.25402

Hog Island Tamaracks State Natural Area, 44.30612, -90.30946

Wood County Wildlife Area | Wisconsin DNR

April Hotspot of the Month--Ball Rd. (Wood Co.) - Wisconsin eBird

Keith Merkel