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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Mud Lake Bog State Natural Area

Habitat: Coniferous Bog, Hardwood Swamp, Open Water. 

Best Birds: During the summer, Common Raven, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Hermit and Wood Thrush, and Yellow-throated Vireo, Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, Pine, Black-and-White, and Canada Warbler have been found on bird surveys.  In winter, finches, including Pine Siskin and Common Redpoll may be present. 

Directions: 52 miles SE of Wausau/6 miles west of Big Falls. From Highway J go west and then north on Mud Lake Road for 1.9 miles to a parking area on the east side of the road. Walk about 1/4 mile southeast through the woods to the lake. 

Site Address and Additional Information: 

The property is 156 acres, bordered by Mud Lake Road on the south and west sides. The lake can barely be seen from the road on the south side. Boots are highly recommended to explore this property. 

10908 Mud Lake Rd, Tigerton, WI

Mark Peterson