Kettle Moraine SF--Piper Rd. Horse Trails, Waukesha County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Native and Restored Grassland, Successional Oldfields, Oak-Hickory Forest, Oak Savanna.
Best Birds: Eastern Whip-poor-will is the main attraction at this location since they’ve become uncommon in Waukesha Co. Pre-dawn and 30 minutes past sunset are the best times to hear them calling from the distant forest edge to the north. American Woodcock can be seen displaying in the open areas at dawn and dusk. Grassland birds: Henslow, Clay-colored, Field, and Grasshopper Sparrow and Eastern Meadowlark. Oak savanna, forest, and forest edge birds include Wild Turkey, Sandhill Crane, Yellow-throated Vireo, Tufted Titmouse, Brown Thrasher, Wood Thrush, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Orchard Oriole, Blue-winged Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager.
Directions: 35 miles WSW of Milwaukee/2 miles west of the town of North Prairie. Located within the South Kettle Moraine State Forest on Piper Road. The horse trails are north and south of Piper Road about halfway between Hwy 59 and Hwy 67, 0.1 mile west of the intersection with Ulrickson Road. Park along the shoulders on either side of the road, (42.93021, -88.44632).
Site Address and Additional Information:
Piper Road, Eagle WI
Give horses the right-of-way and be aware that you share this area with turkey hunters at certain seasons.
Anne Moretti