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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Fellenz Woods

Fellenz Woods

Habitat: Open Water, Southern Hardwood Forest, Bottomland Hardwoods, Native and Restored Grassland, Marsh, and Willow/Dogwood Swamp. 

Best Birds: Resident woodland species include Hooded Merganser, Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoo, Cooper's Hawk, Pileated Woodpecker, Great-crested Flycatcher, Veery, Wood Thrush, and Scarlet Tanager. American Woodcock, Barred Owl, and Great-horned Owl are present from dusk through dawn. Check the brushy thickets and woodland openings for Chestnut-sided Warbler. Belted Kingfisher is possible along the river.     

A goodly number of grassland birds have also been recorded here, including Ring-necked Pheasant, Sandhill Crane, Willow Flycatcher, Sedge Wren, Field, Clay-colored, Vesper and Henslow's Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, and Bobolink

Directions: 37 miles NNW of Milwaukee/2.4 miles east of the city of West Bend. From the east on Hwy 33 turn southwest on Decorah Road and go 3.2 miles to the Fellenz Woods parking lot located on the north side of the road, (43.41285,-88.11315). From West Bend take Hwy 33, turn south on River Road and go one mile to Decorah Road.  Turn east and travel 2.4 miles to the Fellenz Woods parking lot.   

Site Address & Additional Information:

Fellenz Woods is a 160 acre preserve containing nearly 1.5 miles of undeveloped Milwaukee River frontage, 15 acres of lowland southern hardwood forest, numerous natural springs, a 50 acre virgin floodplain forest, 60 acres of native and restored grassland prairie, and small pockets of marsh and willow/dogwood swamp. Nearly two miles of hiking trails crisscross the property allowing for access to the various habitats. 

1630 Decorah Road, West Bend, WI

Fellenz Woods - Ozaukee Washington Land Trust, Inc (

Fellenz Woods-OWLT Map

John O'Donnell