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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Campus Woods County Park

Habitat: Mixed Coniferous Forest, Northern Hardwood Forest, Non-native Grassland, Urban.

Best Birds: This 25 acre wooded park offers a great opportunity for finding spring migrant songbirds and also year-round residents. Raptors include Cooper’s Hawk, Broad-winged Hawk, Great-Horned Owl, and Barred Owl. Woodpeckers are represented by Red-bellied, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Pileated. Eastern Wood-Pewee usually nests in the shelter near the trail entrance. Red-breasted Nuthatch may also be present. Both Hermit and Wood Thrush can often be found as well. Warblers (some only during migration) include Blackburnian and Black-throated Green. 

Directions: 48 miles NW of Wausau. In Medford, adjacent to the County USDA Service Center at the south end of Donald Street. From Hwy 13 take Conrad Dr one block west to Donald St. The Campus Woods Trail, which is mostly gravelled, has several loops that wind throughout the wooded area. Parking is available in the Service Center parking lot. A picnic shelter is at the trail entrance, which is marked by a sign and has a trail map posted.

Site Address and Additional Information: 

925 Donald St., Medford WI

Cathy Mauer