Habitat: Native and Restored Grasslands,Oak Savanna, Pine Plantation, Southern Hardwood Forest, Native and Restored Grassland, and Non-native Grassland and Pasture.
Best Birds: The area around the buildings can hold accipiters and often results in Saw-Whet Owl sightings/captures during annual banding in late winter/early spring. American Woodcock are known to nest in brushy wood edges around the Ridgeline trail. There is an abundance of woodpeckers and sapsuckers in the Oak Savanna habitat. Bell’s Vireo has become an annual visitor and possible nester in the Oak Savanna and brushy areas. Many passerines migrate through the area, including Willow Flycatcher, Swainson’s and Hermit Thrush, and Leconte’s Sparrow. The grasslands hold nesting Henslow’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Clay-Colored and Field Sparrows.
Directions: Approximately 4 miles south of Hudson, WI. The Carpenter Nature Center is located on East Cove Road.
From the driveway entrance, you can go in several directions:
- Pull into the campus and take the Ridgeline trail to experience a nice Oak Savanna habitat.
- Drive around the adjacent prairies for nesting sparrows. There are several grassland trails, including the Big Bluestem and Little Bluestem trails.
- Drive to the south side of the fields and park near the entrance to the future visitor center to experience pine and hardwood habitats on the Acorn Trail.
Site Address & Additional Information:
A project is underway to reduce non-native Buckthorn growth. There are also areas of native grassland and pasture where active management is not in effect.
Carpenter St. Croix Valley Nature Center
300 East Cove Road, Hudson, WI 54016
Larry Persico and Dan Beran