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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Willow River SWA

Habitat: Open Water, Marsh, Sedge Meadow, Restored Grasslands, Pine Plantation, and Northern Hardwood Forest. 

Best Birds: The wooded area on the road between the western and central lake often holds Cape May Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Blackpoll, Blue-Winged Warbler, Bay-Breasted Warbler, and most species of vireos, including Philadelphia. All of the swallows and most of the sparrows migrate through the area, as well as Bonaparte’s Gull, Black Tern, Red-Necked Grebe, Horned Grebe, and Common Loon. During the summer, local breeders include Least Bittern, Bald Eagle, Belted Kingfisher, and a variety of passerines, as well as one of the most reliable places to see Great Egret locally. 

Directions: 11 miles NE of Hudson/8 miles southwest of New Richmond. Take County Road E west from Hwy 65 three miles to 103rd St then south to a parking area, (45.03183, -92.59362). Scan the lakes and listen in the woods all around. From 103rd turn west on 115th Ave to another parking area, (45.02873, -92.59899). The lakes are best viewed from the roadside of County E and 103rd Street.

Site Address & Additional Information:

There is an active program to create an Oak Savannah habitat, as well as preserve grasslands. All habitats can be found up to the water's edge of the three lakes in the area. 

1172-1168 103rd St, New Richmond, WI

Willow River Wildlife Area | Wisconsin DNR

Dan Beran and Larry Persico