Habitat: Open Water, Beach/Mudflat, Urban/Residential.
Best Birds: This location is best visited in winter or spring migration. The summer is a busy time for boating and is not optimal for birding. The exception would be nesting Osprey on the river. In winter, there are large numbers of Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser, and Trumpeter Swan viewable, as there is little open water in the area. Spring migration brings impressive numbers of ducks and Common Loon to the area. Ducks of note include, Canvasback, Redhead, Bufflehead, Pintail, and all merganser species. There are also passing flocks of geese and swans heading north.
Directions: In the city of Hudson. East of the intersection of 1st St and St Croix St is a boat landing with a parking area. From there walk along the riverfront.
Site Address & Additional Information:
This location is located on the riverfront in Hudson.
1st Street and St. Croix St, Hudson, WI
Dan Beran and Larry Persico