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Oak Ridge Waterfowl Production Area

Habitat: Marsh, Sedge Meadows, Restored and Non-Native Grassland, Oak Savannah, Northern Hardwood Forest, Pine Plantation. 

Best Birds: There are some easily visible nesters in the area, includingTrumpeter Swan and Bald Eagle This area also includes a colony of Yellow-Headed Blackbird in the marshy areas on the northwest side of the lake. Willow Flycatcher, and Scarlet Tanager nest in proper habitat. During spring migration, many ducks, loons, grebes, and geese make use of the lake and surrounding habitat. Red-Necked Grebe can usually be found on the lake in spring migration. The grassy areas contain most common grassland sparrows, with Clay-Colored Sparrow and Field Sparrow most common.

Directions: 24 miles NE of Hudson/6 miles northeast of New Richmond. Follow Hwy 65 north from New Richmond to 220th Ave then east 2 miles to the parking lot. A two-track trail can be walked north from the parking lot.

Site Address & Additional Information:

This WPA is part of a larger complex of similar habitat, and includes Oak Ridge Lake.

1589 220th Ave, New Richmond, WI

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Larry Persico and Dan Beran