Kelly Creek Preserve, St. Croix County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Native and restored Grassland, Oak Savannah, Alder Swamp, Sedge Meadow.
Best Birds: Some grassland and savannah breeding birds found here are American Kestrel, Eastern Kingbird, Sedge Wren, Eastern Towhee, Clay-colored, and Field Sparrow, Orchard Oriole and Eastern Meadowlark.
Directions: 15 miles SE of Hudson/7 miles northeast of River Falls. From Highway 65 take Cty J east for around 1.25 miles. After crossing the bridge over the Kinnickinnic, watch for a gravel driveway that has a small sign for Kelly Creek Preserve. The sign says “Private Drive” but that means you must park in the Kelly Creek parking lot, not along the road.
Address and additional information:
Kelly Creek is a trout stream with a natural spring producing 700,000 gallons of water per day. There are around 2 miles of trails in the preserve. There are woodlands adjacent to the prairie preserve.
County Road J, River Falls WI
Also visit the nearby Kinnickinnic Wet Prairie SNA on County Road W one mile south of the intersection with County J.
Kinnickinnic Wet Prairie State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
Jean Ritzinger