Habitat: Marsh, Sedge Meadow, Open Water, Oak Savannah, and Native and Restored Grassland.
Best Birds: There are many marsh nesters in this area, including Sora, Virginia Rail, Pied-Billed Grebe, Marsh Wren, and Sedge Wren,. This is one of a few known nesting colonies for Yellow-Headed Blackbird. Open water contains nesting Trumpeter Swan. The grassland areas hold abundant numbers of Henslow’s Sparrow, Clay-Colored Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, and in most years, Dickcissel. Migration is best in spring, because in the fall this is a popular hunting area. Spring migrants regularly include Upland Sandpiper, Black Tern, and most grassland species.
Directions: 20 miles NE of Hudson/2 miles northeast of New Richmond. Follow Hwy 64 east from New Richmond 1.5 miles to 145th St, turn north and parking will be on right. A little further is another parking spot with access to an accessible viewing blind.
Site Address & Additional Information:
There is some Non-Native grassland in the area, but those areas are undergoing restoration. This has been a Marsh bird Survey area for many years.
1959 145th St, New Richmond, WI
Accessible blind, 45.14124, -92.51756
Friends of the St. Croix Wetland Management District, Home | fscwmd
Dan Beran and Larry Persico