Habitat: Cropland, Non-Native Grassland and Pasture, Open Water
Best Birds: Excellent for ducks, Greater White-fronted Goose, Snow Goose, Tundra Swan, and shorebirds like plovers, American Avocet, and Hudsonian Godwit, and Bonaparte’s Gull when flooded during Spring migration. Spotting scope recommended.
Directions: 8 miles southwest of Sheboygan. From I-43, take Exit #120 (County Hwy V) west to Whitetail Rd (43.67098, -87.84028) and further west yet to Horace Mann Rd (43.67123, -87.85928). In both locations park on the shoulder of the road.
Site Address and Additional Information:
3554 Horace Mann Rd, Sheboygan Falls, 43.67123, -87.85928
3685 Whitetail Rd, Sheboygan Falls, 43.67098, -87.84028
Dave and Margaret Brasser