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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Bakken’s Pond

Habitat: Marsh, Open Water, Bottomland Forest, Pine Plantations, and Oak and Pine Barrens.

Best Birds: Spring migration is the best time of the year at Bakken’s Pond, with waterfowl being the highlight.  As soon as the ice starts melting large numbers of geese and ducks use this staging area, and pretty much every species of waterfowl common to Wisconsin has been found here.  Large numbers of Trumpeter Swan and Greater White-fronted Goose are present every spring, and the list of rare waterfowl found here includes Ross’s Goose, Eurasian Wigeon, Long-tailed Duck, Surf Scoter, and Eared Grebe

During years with low water levels or drawdowns, there can be extremely good shorebird habitat.  Some of the more sought-after shorebird species to turn up at this location are Black-necked Stilt, Black-bellied Plover, American Golden Plover, Marbled Godwit, Willet, Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, and Red-necked Phalarope

During the summer months nesting species that can be found in the marsh are Sora, Virginia Rail, Black Tern, and Marsh Wren.  Black-crowned Night Heron, Least Bittern and American Bittern are uncommon species here as well.  

The Bottomland Forest to the south and west of the marsh is good habitat for Red-shouldered Hawk, Barred Owl, Red-headed Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, and Prothonotary Warbler.

The northern edge of this property should be checked for species like Eastern Towhee and Lark Sparrow in the dry pine and oak habitat.  In winter Red-breasted Nuthatch and Red Crossbill can be found in this habitat.

In winter Rough-legged Hawk and occasionally Golden Eagle have been found over the marsh.  

Directions: 41 miles W of Madison/4.5 miles west of Spring Green. Along Kennedy Road there are two parking areas that overlook the marsh at (43.17916, -90.13860) and (43.17945, -90.15492).  Going south from Kennedy onto Laudon Road there is a third parking area (43.17645, -90.16546) with access to walk out onto the dike on the west edge of the marsh. 

Site Address & Additional Information: 

The Bakken’s Pond Unit of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway consists of a large area of Marsh and Open Water, with Bottomland Forest further to the south between the Marsh and the Wisconsin River.  Along the north edge of this property is a narrow section of Pine Plantations and dry Oak and Pine Barrens.

12848 Laudon Rd, Spring Green, WI 53588

Bakken's Pond State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

Aaron Holschbach