Habitat: Native and Restored Grasslands, Black Oak Barrens, Southern Hardwood Forest.
Best Birds: Hiking the trail to the north from the parking area will take you into the Sand Prairie, where Lark Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, and Dickcissel are common nesting species.
The Oak Barrens and secondary growth that surround the prairie produce regular sightings of some rare species, such as Northern Mockingbird, Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-breasted Chat, White-eyed Vireo, and Loggerhead Shrike.
Continuing further north on the trail you will enter mature forest to the north side of the bluff. Typical woodland species you can expect to find are Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Pileated Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, and Yellow-throated Vireo.
On an evening visit in late spring or summer you have a chance of hearing the sounds of Eastern Whip-poor-will and American Woodcock over the prairie.
Directions: 39 miles W of madison/1 mile north of Spring Green. From Jones Road go north on Angelo Lane to the parking area for the east portion of the preserve (43.19796, -90.059074). Access to the west portion of the preserve is a couple miles to the west, from a parking area at the north end of Pearl Road (43.208515, -90.093900).
Site Address & Additional Information:
The Spring Green Preserve is 1,104 acres of desert-like habitat on a dry south facing bluff. The predominant habitat on the preserve is Sand Prairie, which is surrounded by sections of Black Oak Barrens. On the north end of the property the habitat is not as dry, with Southern
Hardwood Forest covering the north side of the bluff.
Angelo Ln, Spring Green, WI 53588
Aaron Holschbach