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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Fen Road Fields

Habitat: Cropland, Open Water, Bottomland Hardwoods.

Best Birds: When these fields are flooded migrating waterfowl like Greater White-fronted Goose, Snow Goose, Cackling Goose and migrant shorebirds may be found here.  

During fall migration Nelson’s Sparrow and LeConte’s Sparrow have been found in the wetter weedy fields. Red-shouldered Hawk are found in all seasons in the bottomland forest that borders these fields.

In winter Rough-legged Hawk, Short-eared Owl, Snow Bunting, and Lapland Longspur can be found in these fields.  Western Meadowlark have also been found here in winter. 

Directions: 27 miles NW of Madison/ approx. 2.5 miles southwest of Sauk City.  To reach Fen Road, take Roeser Road south for 1 mile from Hwy 60.

Site Address & Additional Information:

The fields to the north and south of Fen Road are primarily agricultural, with water-filled ditches along the road.  During periods of wet weather, these fields easily flood, and occasionally some of the fields will stay marshy for months or even years at a time.  These fields are bordered by the Wisconsin River Bottoms to the south and west, River Road to the north, and Roeser Road to the east. 

Fen Rd, Sauk City, WI 53583

Aaron Holschbach