Blue Hills--Rusk Co., Rusk County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Northern Hardwood Forest, Mixed Coniferous Forest, Spruce and Tamarack Bog, Open Water.
Best Birds: Forested areas should produce Pileated Woodpecker, Great-crested Flycatcher, Common Raven, Northern Waterthrush, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, Black and White, Canada, Mourning, Nashville, Golden-winged, Chestnut-sided and Cerulean Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager. The spruce and tamarack bogs hold Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Lincoln Sparrow, and Nashville Warbler.
The lakes host Ring-necked Duck, Wood Duck, Common Loon, Great-blue Heron rookeries, Bald Eagle and Osprey. Raptors nesting in the Blue Hills include Merlin and Northern Goshawk in addition to the more common Broad-winged Hawk.
Directions: 67 miles N of Eau Claire/20 miles northwest of Ladysmith. The trailhead for the 20 mile long system of Blue Hills Trails is on Fire Lane Road (45.53578, -91.40698) about 2½ miles north of County O. The trails west of Fire Lane Road provide good access to swamp and bog habitat. The trail system east of Fire Lane Road has more upland terrain. Roadside birding is possible on Excelsior Road starting 100 yards south of the trailhead parking lot. Views of Audie Lake and Perch Lake are afforded on Perch Lake Road, (45.55431, -91.42644).
Site Address and Additional Information:
The Blue Hills is a remnant of an ancient mountain range rising 600 feet above the surrounding landscape. It is about 150 square miles of primarily forested land, interlaced with flashy streams, scattered swamps and conifer bogs. Most of the acreage is in Rusk County Forest, managed for recreation and timber production.
Fire Lane Rd, Weyerhaeuser, WI
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Christian W. Cold