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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Spring Creek SWA

Habitat: Open Water, Marsh, Sedge Meadow, Willow, Alder, or Dogwood Swamp, Mixed Coniferous Forest, and Northern Hardwood Forest.  

Best Birds: Various species of waterfowl, especially during spring migration when upwards of thousands can be seen including Trumpeter Swan, Blue-winged and Green-winged Teals, Lesser Scaup, American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, Pied-billed Grebe, and Double-crested Cormorant. Various species of water birds may be seen including herons, Wilson’s Snipe, and Greater and Lesser Yellowleg, and American Bittern. Raptors like Northern Harrier, Broad-winged Hawk, Osprey, Bald Eagle, and American Kestrel may be seen. Passerines may include Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned kinglet, swallows, Sedge Wren, Swainson’s and Hermit Thrush, Cedar Waxwing, Olive-sided and Great-Crested Flycatcher, Brown Thrasher, and White-crowned Sparrow

Warblers like species such as Orange-crowned, Black-throated Green, Black-and-White, Nashville, Chestnut-sided, and Tennessee may be seen, especially during migration.  Warbling and Yellow-throated Vireo are possible.  

Directions: 87 miles NW of Wausau/3 miles south of Phillips on Highway 13, then 5 miles southwest on Highway 111 to a project sign. Then travel 1/3 of a mile south on Pioneer Road to reach Spring Creek Way, which will take you to the property entrance.

Site Address & Additional Information:

Spring Creek SWA is a 1,000-acre diverse wildlife area that includes four managed waterfowl flowages totaling 220 acres of water at full capacity that harbor crops of wild rice. Open water is surrounded by sedges and cattails as well as 261 acres of aspen and northern hardwoods, 156 acres of upland brush, 200 acres of lowland brush, 150 acres of conifer and muskeg, and 16 acres of fallow field/grassland.

Spring Creek Way, Phillips WI

General map

Trail map

Thomas H. Nicholls