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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Moses Creek and Plover River Trails

Green Circle Trail - Moses Creek: 

Green Circle Trail - Plover River Trail:

Habitat: Northern Hardwood Forest, Mixed Coniferous Forest, Oak Scrub, Bottomland Hardwood Forest.

Best Birds: The Moses Creek Segment meanders through mixed coniferous and northern hardwood forest northeast of Schmeeckle Reserve, and the trail also bisects a sedge meadow. The wooded areas yield woodpeckers, flycatchers, vireos, Common Raven, Veery, Wood Thrush, and warblers. Virginia Rail and Sedge Wren can be heard calling from the sedge. 

The Plover River Trail begins by traveling through scrubby fields which yield Willow Flycatcher, Clay-colored Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Blue-winged Warbler, Nashville Warbler, and Chestnut-sided Warbler. Continuing through the mixed upland and bottomland forest segments can produce woodpeckers, flycatchers, vireos, thrushes, warblers, and Scarlet Tanager


Located 3 miles northeast of Stevens Point.

The east end of the Moses Creek trail and the west end of the Plover River Trail can both be accessed from a parking area on Highway 66 across from the Airport Rd intersection, 44.5585877, -89.5237893.

The west end of the Moses Creek trail is accessed from Wilshire Blvd N, a small parking area is located on the east side of the road just north of the I-39 overpass, (44.5551461, -89.5493460).

Site Address and Additional Information:

5315 WI-66, Stevens Point, Wi 54482

(44.5585877, -89.5237893)

Rob Pendergast