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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Lion’s Den Gorge

Lion’s Den Gorge   

Habitat:  Mixed Coniferous Forest, Open Water, Marsh, and Successional Oldfield. 73 acres of wooded ravines and high bluff overlooking Lake Michigan and 44 acres of adjacent USFWS property.

Best Birds:   Spring migrant numbers can be impressive with species including possible Olive-sided Flycatcher, Philadelphia VireoWhite-eyed Vireo, Summer Tanager, Western Tanager, and a wide variety of warblers like Cerulean, Hooded, Connecticut, Blue-winged, and Worm-eating.  Although the tree height inhibits hawk watching, migrants are still observable.

Scope Lake Michigan for Long-tailed Duck and all 3 scoters, Red-necked Grebe, Common and Red-throated Loon.  

The wooded ravines are fairly predictable for breeding Louisiana Waterthrush and Wood Thrush.      

Look for  Willow and occasionally Alder Flycatcher, Eastern Towhee, Clay-colored Sparrow, Field Sparrow, and Orchard Oriole on the Oldfield.

Wood Duck, Least Bittern, Sora, and Marsh Wren breed in the marsh. 

Belted Kingfisher, Bank Swallow, and Rough-winged Swallow nest in the exposed bluff banks.   

Directions:  3 miles south of Port Washington, just east of the County Rd. C and Ulao Rd. junction.

 Site Address and Additional Information:

511 High Bluff Dr., Grafton, Wisconsin 53024 

Access to Lake Michigan shoreline via stairs. Poison Ivy is plentiful, and stairs into gorge are steep!

Jim Frank