Habitat: Marsh, Willow Swamp
Best Birds: Consistent spot for migratory Rusty Blackbird in spring. Sora, Virginia Rail, and Wilson’s Snipe, breed here, with possibilities of Least and American Bittern. Migratory shorebirds like Spotted Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper and Short-billed Dowitcher are possible when swamp floods into adjacent cropland. Migratory passerines include Northern Waterthrush.
Direction: 5 miles N of Port Washington. Located one mile south of Holy Cross on Lovers Lane Road between County Hwy H and Hwy A. Dirt road is impassable if flooded. Please stay on road as property is private.
Site Address & Additional Information:
4901 Lovers Lane Rd., Belgium, WI 53004
Jim Frank