Habitat: 444 acres of Cropland, Restored Prairie, Southern Hardwood Forest, Marsh, and Open Water with 6 miles of hiking trails.
Best Birds: Restored prairies host Savannah Sparrow, an occasional Grasshopper Sparrow, and Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark.
Vesper Sparrow can be found in the adjacent farm fields. Oldfield supports American Kestrel, Eastern Bluebird, Clay-colored Sparrow, Field Sparrow, and Dickcissel.
Upland woods are frequented by Great Crested Flycatcher and Eastern Wood-Pewee.
Sora, Virginia Rail, Wilson’s Snipe, American Woodcock, Spotted Sandpiper, and Willow Flycatcher are attracted to the restored wetlands. Shorebirds in migration have included Short-billed Dowitcher, Long-billed Dowitcher, and Black-necked Stilt.
Directions: Mequon Nature Preserve can be entered (main entrance) on the south off W. County Line Rd. (43.19304, -88.01044 ) between N. Wauwatosa Rd. and N. Swan Rd; on the west off N. Swan Rd. between W. County Line Rd, and W. Donges Bay Rd.; and on the north from W. Donges Bay Rd. between N. Wauwatosa Rd. and N. Swan Rd.
Site Address and Additional Information:
8200 West County Line Rd., Mequon WI 53092
Jim Frank