Wiouwash State Trail--Outagamie County section, Outagamie County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Open Water, Marsh, Southern Hardwood Forest, Successional Oldfields, Willow, Alder or Dogwood Swamp, Cropland.
Best Birds: The trail passes through a variety of habitats. Wood Thrush, Veery, and Scarlet Tanager can be heard and seen in the hardwood forest, Black-billed Cuckoo and Mourning Warbler are regular in successional areas. Look for Sedge Wren, Least, Alder and Willow Flycatcher in the scrub and Green Heron, Sora, Virginia Rail, and Marsh Wren in the marsh.
Directions: The Hortonville Trailhead is 9 miles NW of Appleton. From the jct. of Highway 15 and County M in Hortonville proceed to Lakeview Drive where parking is at 44.32683, -88.63280. Alternative parking is 4.5 miles south at the trail crossing of Highway 96 in Medina, 44.27256, -88.63090.
Site Address and Additional Information:
The trail, a former railroad corridor, extends 22 miles from Hortonville to Oshkosh. The northernmost 6 miles is in Outagamie County.
Handicapped accessible. Multi-use trail, good for walking/cycling.
Wiouwash State Trail | Outagamie County, WI
Ross Mueller