Habitat: Southern Hardwood Forest, Non-Native Grassland, Oak Savannah, Successional Oldfield, Willow Swamp, Open Water, Beaches and Mudflats.
Best Birds: Mixture of grasslands and early succession woodlands are great for migrants. Common nesting species include American Woodcock, Brown Thrasher, Clay-colored and Savannah Sparrow, Bobolink, and Orchard Oriole. It is also a good spot to find both species of cuckoo.
The Lake Michigan shoreline provides a good spot to observe shorebirds, waterfowl and migrating raptors, and a good spot for wintering raptors and often a Northern Shrike.
Directions: Located 13 miles south of downtown Milwaukee. Along Lake Michigan in the city of Oak Creek, east of the intersection of Hwy 100 and Hwy 32.
Site Address & Additional Information:
There are a number of trails crossing through the property but they can be quite wet in spring and check carefully for ticks.
4503 E. Ryan Road, Oak Creek, WI
Mark Korducki