Athelstane Barrens--Amberg Wildlife Area, Marinette County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitats: Pine-Oak Barrens, Alder Swamp, Conifer Bog, Mixed Coniferous Forest.
Best Birds: The Athelstane Barrens Important Bird Area, of which Amberg SWA is a part, is managed to maintain rare Pine-Oak Barrens habitat. This site hosts strong populations of barrens and shrub and conifer wetland species like Brown Thrasher, Veery, and Nashville, Canada and Chestnut-sided Warbler. The population of Golden-winged Warbler is one of the highest of any site in Wisconsin. Kirtland’s Warbler have been recorded nearby. Other species found here may include Black-billed Cuckoo, Upland Sandpiper, Northern Goshawk, Northern Harrier, Red-shouldered Hawk, Whip-poor-will, Least Flycatcher, Vesper and Field Sparrow, and Red Crossbill.
Directions: 32 miles S of Iron Mountain, MI. From Highway 141 in Amberg go west on County Highway V approximately 5 miles. A series of rut roads and firebreaks provide access to the property. in the northeast off of County Road V is an access point following old logging roads, (45.46518, -88.03255). In the southeast take Smith Road to its end where there is parking (45.45878, -88.04787). Off of Mathis Road, 1.4 miles north of County Road C, a logging trail (45.44775, -88.07704) reaches to the southwest corner of the wildlife area. Further north on Mathis Road is a parking area just past the crossing of the Little South Branch Pike River, (45.47811, -88.05608).
Site Address and Additional Information:
N13875 County V, Amberg WI
Amberg Wildlife Area | | Wisconsin DNR
Carl Schroeder