Habitat: Mixed Coniferous and Northern Hardwood Forest, Marsh, Sedge Meadow, Open Water, Beaches and Mudflats.
Best Birds: Pied-billed Grebe, American White Pelican, American Bittern, Bald Eagle, and Belted Kingfisher are possible from the observation deck overlooking Winnegar Pond on Pond Road. Along the road look for Least Flycatcher, Philadelphia Vireo, Brown Creeper, Veery, American Redstart, Swamp Sparrow, and Orchard Oriole. Blue-winged Teal, American Woodcock, Wilson’s Snipe, Northern Harrier, and Marsh Wren can be found along the trail at Johnson Road.
Directions: 53 miles NE of Green Bay/approximately 7 miles from Marinette on County Trunk BB (Shore Dr.), south to Pond Road on left (old red school house on corner). Johnson Road is another 2 miles from Pond Road on County Trunk BB.
Site Address & Additional Information:
Pond Road, starting at state owned property, is approximately ½ mile to the bay. There are no trails but the road encompasses all of the different habitats. Winnegar Pond is a protected body of water with emergent vegetation and sand bars dependent on the water level as the bay is always fluctuating. Johnson Road is approximately .8 mile and ends at a footbridge. There is a short trail that is not maintained starting at the bridge.
Pond Road parking
Johnson Road parking
Peshtigo Harbor Unit | Wisconsin DNR
Joan Campbell