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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Peshtigo Harbor SWA – Harbor Road

Habitat:  Mixed Coniferous and Northern Hardwood Forest, Jack Pine-Oak Forest, Pine Plantation, Native and Restored Grassland, Non-Native Grassland, Marsh, Sedge Meadow, Willow, Alder Swamp, Open Water, Residential.  Seven miles of blacktopped road to the bay.

Best Birds:  Birding from the road in the trees, fields, swamps and open water can produce  Tundra Swan (migration), Eastern Whip-poor-will, Pine, Chestnut-sided, Mourning, Black and White and Nashville Warblers, Field, Swamp and Lincoln’s Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink, Rusty Blackbird and Scarlet Tanager.

Directions: 48 miles NNE of Green Bay/Seven miles southeast of Peshtigo on Harbor Road. From the intersection of Hipke Road and Harbor Rd and for three miles southeast Harbor Road passes through the wildlife area following the Peshtigo River to its mouth. There is parking at the end of Harbor Road near the mouth of the Peshtigo River on Lake Michigan, 44.973623, -87.656326.

Site Address & Additional Information:  

Peshtigo Harbor Unit | Wisconsin DNR

Joan Campbell