Habitat: Northern Hardwoods, Willow, Adler or Dogwood Swamp, Cedar Swamp, Non-Native Grassland and Pasture, Marsh, Open Water.
Best Birds: Right-of-Way Road has excellent habitat for thrushes and warblers. Look for a variety of waterfowl including Trumpeter Swan along the marsh on Sand Road and on the Menominee River. Check for flycatchers, vireos, thrushes, and warblers along River and Marek Roads. Uncommon warblers include Northern Waterthrush, Mourning Warbler, Northern Parula, and Magnolia Warbler.
Directions: 29 miles from Iron Mountain, MI. Via US Highway 141 to Marinette County Highway Z to small parking area on Sand Road, 45.569266, -87.845166.
Site Address and Other Information:
Miscauno Island is basically a resort including a golf course with little habitat for birds. Although visitors are welcome on the island, the best birding opportunities exist west of the island along the less traveled roads.
Sand Road, Amberg WI
Boat Landing off Short Cut Road, 45.569544, -87.840985
Intersection of Marek, Right-of-Way, and River Roads, 45.568387, -87.855290.
Kay Kavanagh