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Lake Noquebay

Lake Noquebay

Lake Noquebay SWA and Sedge Meadow SNA

Habitat: Open Water, Marsh, Willow, Adler or Dogwood Swamp, Northern Hardwoods, Cedar Swamp, Hardwood Swamp.

Best Birds: Check for waterfowl, gulls and terns from several boat landings on the lake. Trumpeter Swan, Canvasback, Redhead, Hooded Merganser, and Horned Grebe have been seen here. Black-billed Cuckoo, Eastern Whip-poor-will, Sora, Black Tern, and American Bittern have nested here. Both Great Blue and Green Heron are regular. Common raptors include Red-shouldered and Broad-winged Hawk. Barred Owl is a year round inhabitant. Both Sedge and Marsh Wren nest here. Wood Thrush is common in the hardwoods.

Directions to Lake Noquebay: 45 miles from Iron Mountain, MI. The North Boat Landing, 45.267751, -87.930891, is on Boat Launch Road south of County Highway X. Lake access is also at the end of Maple Beach Road, 45.266833, -87.920877 and from Pines Rd, 45.267044, -87.88007. The south Boat Landing at Lake Noquebay County Park is also worth checking, 45.245985, -87.906594. A fee is required at this location.

To reach Lake Noquebay SWA from the southeast side of the lake continue on Right-of-Way Road from County Highway GG at 45.241277, -87.853577, to the Dike Road Parking Area at 45.260888, -87.851311. Follow Right-of-Way Road 5.5 miles north to County Highway X.

Site Address and Additional Information:

Lake Noquebay Sedge Meadow SNA, Lake Noquebay Sedge Meadow State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

Lake Noquebay SWA, Lake Noquebay Wildlife Area | Wisconsin DNR

Kay Kavanagh