Habitat: Northern Hardwoods, Marsh, Cedar Swamp, Willow, Adler or Dogwood Swamp, Open Water.
Best Birds: Several pairs of Common Loon nest annually. Both Great Blue and Green Heron and Belted Kingfisher are possible. Yellow-throated Vireo and 3 other species of vireo nest. Uncommon warblers include Black-and-White, Mourning Warbler, and Northern Parula.
Evening Grosbeak and other winter finches are possible in irruptive years.
Directions: 24 miles southwest from Iron Mountain, MI. Via Florence County Highways N and C and State Highway 101 to west side boat landing off Hilbert Drive, 45.712599, -88.428542. Travel east around south side of the lake to campground and east side boat landing.
Site Address and Additional Information:
Entrance to campground and Boat Landing on Marinette County Highway F, 45.708756, -88.399578. This site is currently underwater but still partially accessible. Canoe Landing on Lake Oneota, 45.714859, -88.419829.
Kay Kavanagh