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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Harmony Arboretum

Habitat: Northern Hardwood Forest, Wet Prairie Fen, and native and Restored Grassland.

Best Birds:  Representative species of the mature forest here include, Great-horned Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, Wood and Hermit Thrush, and Scarlet TanagerClay-colored Sparrow nest in the grasslands, and Ruby-throated Hummingbird and swallows forage in the gardens.

Directions: Eight miles west of Marinette on Highway 64 and 1/4 mile south on County E. 

Site Address & Additional Information:

460 acres of an old farm that now consists of Harmony Hardwoods Memorial Forest, a northern hardwood forest with a wet prairie fen, The Garden, which is managed by the Master Gardeners, and The Prairie, a restored grassland.  

County E, Marinette, WI

Marinette County » Departments » Land Information » Environmental Education » Harmony Arboretum

Joan Campbell