Habitat: 3,000 acres, Pine Plantation, Hemlock-Hardwood Forest, Mixed Coniferous Forest, Northern Hardwood Forest, Open Water.
Best Birds: Bufflehead, Common and Hooded Merganser, Common Loon are possible on or near the water; Along the roads and trails are Black-billed Cuckoo, Ruffed Grouse, Red-shouldered Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Veery and Wood Thrush, Yellow-throated Vireo, Mourning and Golden-winged Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager.
Directions: 68 miles north of Green Bay. The nearest town is Crivitz about 15 miles SE. From Crivitz go north on County A, left on County X, right on Parkway Road to Ranch Road on the left and then Paust Lane on the right to the park.
Site Address & Additional Information:
Two small lakes and a portion of Caldron Falls Reservoir.
N10008 Paust Lane, Crivitz, WI
Governor Thompson Wisconsin State Park System | Wisconsin DNR
Joan Campbell