Dunbar Barrens SNA, Marinette County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Jack Pine-Oak Barrens, Northern Hardwoods, Pine Plantation.
Best Birds: This unique area is a premier location for species like Black-billed Cuckoo, Common Nighthawk and Eastern Whip-poor-will, Red-headed Woodpecker, Merlin, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Vireo, along with 3 other vireo species, unusual sparrows like Clay-colored, Field, White-crowned, Vesper, and Savannah, Brewer’s Blackbird, and ncommon warblers like Golden-winged, Black-and White, Mourning, and Cape May.
Upland Sandpiper have nested in the past, but are now rare, and Bohemian and Cedar Waxwing are possible.
Directions: 22.5 miles southwest of Iron Mountain, MI. Travel via Florence County Highways B and U to sand road on US Highway 8, (45.648274, -88.240300). Take the sand road to Dunbar Barrens sign, (45.655052, -88.250077). Sand roads continue west and north into the barrens at (45.662314, -88.250322)
Site Address and Additional Information:
Frequent prescribed burns keep the barrens habitat free from large trees.
Dunbar Barrens State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
Kay Kavanagh