Habitat: Northern Hardwoods, Mixed Coniferous Forest, Willow, Alder or Dogwood Swamp, Marsh, Conifer Bog, Pine Plantation, Open Water.
Best Birds: Black-billed Cuckoo, Eastern Whip-poor-will, and Broad-winged Hawk nest here. Merlin is possible. Canada Jay has been recorded here in the winter season, however, access to this road during winter is often only by snowmobile. Both kinglets are here during migration and Golden-crowned Kinglet nests. Winter Wren, Veery, Wood Thrush, and Lincoln Sparrow breed here. Uncommon warblers include Northern Waterthrush, Golden-winged, Black-and-White, Mourning, Cape May, Magnolia, Blackburnian, and Canada Warbler. This road is an all-time favorite for nesting warblers. Check out the feeders in nearby Dunbar for winter finches during irruptive years.
Directions: 14.5 miles from Iron Mountain, MI. Via Florence County Highway U to Fire Road 518, 45.701037, -88.198220. Intersection of Fire Road 518 and Camp 12 Road, 45.691597, -88.156008.
Site Address and Additional Information:
Fire Road 518, Florence WI
Kay Kavanagh