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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Molash Creek 

Habitat: Hemlock-Hardwood Forest, Hardwood Swamp, Alder Swamp, Pine Plantation, and Open Water.  

Best Birds:  Due to its size and proximity to the Lake Michigan shore, this entire area hosts large numbers of migratory birds that pass through during both spring and fall migration.  Look for Red-breasted Nuthatch and  Pine Warbler in the conifers, American Redstart in dlder swamps, and Black-throated Green Warbler in hemlocks on ridges.  

Duck, gull, and tern species may be found on the open waters of the lake and the creek mouth and adjacent shorelines, and beach-loving shorebirds such as Sanderling are commonly encountered.  

Directions: 35 miles SE of Green Bay/about 2 ½ miles north of Two Rivers on County Road O.  Parking along the edge of Viceroy Road, just west of trail entrance on County Road O, (44.180810, -87.535131).

Site Address & Additional Information: 

Molash Creek flows into Lake Michigan near the center of Point Beach State Forest. Access is via a trail that passes near County Highway O at Viceroy Road and follows Molash Creek to the Lake Michigan shore, and is a segment of the Ice Age Trail. The trail passes through a variety of forest habitats, with alder swamp along the creek in some areas.  The creek becomes wider in its lower stretches, with some marsh and sedge meadow.  The highest beach ridge near the lake is covered with pines, transitioning to beach dune habitat along the lake shore.

6801 County Road O, Two Rivers, WI 54241

Joel Trick