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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Kingfisher Farm 

Habitat: Open Water, Beach, Restored Grassland, Mature Southern Hardwood Forest

Best Birds: This area, owned by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, is located along the Lake Michigan Migration Corridor.  It is a good place to find seasonal waterfowl and migrating passerines.  When there is a caretaker in residence the numerous feeders attract large numbers of birds.  Among these are nesting Red-headed and Pileated Woodpeckers.  The open prairie fields are perhaps the best location in Manitowoc County to observe the fall migration of raptors.  Despite the private drive sign at the entrance to Kingfisher Lane, birders are welcome on the property.

Directions: 9 miles south of the Manitowoc via County LS

Site Address and Additional Information: 

11319 Kingfisher Lane, Cleveland WI

At present, there is no caretaker for the property.  

Bob Domagalski