Habitat: Open Water with high bluffs overlooking Lake MIchigan, Beach, Successional Old Fields, second growth Southern Hardwood Forest, Alder/Dogwood Swamp
Best Birds: This conservation area along the Lake Michigan Migration Corridor was set aside as a bird migration stop-over. It is one of the best Manitowoc County locations for waterfowl and passerine migration. The open fields are good for watching the fall migration of raptors. The bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan are known as a location for finding Red-throated Loon and large numbers of Horned Grebe. A trail accessible from the north parking lot starts near the lakefront and goes north through forest and swamp. To the south the trail closely follows the lakeshore and connects with the south parking lot.
Directions: 11 miles south of the Manitowoc via County LS
Site Address and Additional Information:
County Road LS, Cleveland
North parking lot, 43.939908, -87.720744.
South parking lot 43.934657, -87.720891
Fischer Creek Wisconsin State Park System | Wisconsin DNR
Fischer Creek - Manitowoc County (
Bob Domagalski