eBird Hotspot Link: https://ebird.org/hotspot/L15371909
Habitat: Open Water, Northern Hardwood Forest, Bottomland Hardwoods.
Best Birds: Among the hardwoods listen for Blue Headed Vireo, Yellow Throated Vireo, and Black Throated Green Warbler. Down in the understory and thickets listen for Veery and Nashville Warbler. Nocturnal birding in the more open forest sections of Bear Trail Rd. may produce Eastern Whip-poor-will and American Woodcock
Directions: 40 Miles North of Wausau. Take Hwy 17 North from Merrill, and look for Hwy B north of Gleason and just South of Parrish. There is a parking lot for the Ice Age Trail on Hwy B, about 1 ½ Miles from 17.
Site Address and Additional Information:
Guidebook2014.indb (iceagetrail.org)
Another good spot to park and explore would be Otter Lake Park, which is not too far from the Ice Age Trail, just take Bear Trail Rd. to Otter Lake Rd. and you’ll end up at Otter Lake. You could also just go for a slow drive down Bear Trail, Turtle Lake and Beaver Trail Roads which have a variety of habitats.
Chucky Wensel