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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Harrison Flowage

Habitat: Open Water, Bottomland Hardwoods, Northern Hardwood Forest, Marsh, 

Best Birds: Scan the lake for a variety of waterfowl, nesting Common Loon, and Osprey. Also scan the marshy bays for American Bittern and possibly Sora. In the surrounding woods, look for Golden Crowned Kinglet, and Ruby Crowned Kinglet. 

Directions: 55 Miles North of Wausau. Take Hwy 51 North to Hwy A and head East until you see Mail Route Road to the South. There are a couple spots to view the lake; one on Dam Rd. and the other on Harrison Flowage Rd. The flowage is best viewed by boat as there are a few hidden bays that might be worth checking out. 

Site Address and Additional Information:


Chucky Wensel