Habitat: Sedge meadow, Wet Prairie Fen, Native and Restored Grassland, Oak Savannah. It is one of the largest prairie complexes in the state and the most intact coastal dune and swale wetland in southeastern Wisconsin.
Best birds: Birds that are found here during breeding season include American Woodcock, Willow Flycatcher, Sedge Wren, Field, Savannah, and Swamp Sparrow, Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark. Due to the open habitat and proximity to the lakefront, this is a good spot to observe migrating waterfowl and raptors.
Directions: 42 miles south of Milwaukee. Just north of the Illinois state line is the largest unbroken and most accessible tracts of this landscape otherwise fragmented by roads and residences. From Hwy 32 take 116th St. east to 1st Court, then south to 121st St. Park north of the intersection of 121st St. and 2nd Avenue (42.50346, -87.80997) and walk the trails.
Site address and additional information:
Al Kampert Trail, 11901 2nd Ave, Pleasant Prairie, WI
Jennifer Wenzel